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Understanding and Protecting Against Phishing Attacks


Phishing is a prevalent form of cyber attack where attackers trick individuals into providing sensitive information. This guide provides insights into recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a deceptive practice where attackers pose as legitimate entities to steal sensitive data, like login credentials and credit card numbers. Expect phishing via email, telephone & sms.

Recognizing Phishing Attempts

Suspicious Emails and Messages

Phishing emails often impersonate reputable organizations, family members or people on your team. Look for misspelled domains, generic greetings, and urgent or threatening language in pursuit of immediate action. Most commonly we see phishing to businesses via fake invoices, purchase orders or fake shared files. An example that we frequently see work is where someone sends a fake invoice, inferring you've spent a large sum of money with them — if you don't recognize the sender — it's fake!

Attachments or links in unsolicited emails can be harmful, avoid downloading any even if it sounds enticing. Always avoid opening attachments or clicking on links from unknown sources.

Requests for Sensitive Information

Legitimate organizations rarely request sensitive information via email. Be wary of emails asking for passwords, account details, or personal information.

Preventative Measures

Use Spam Filters

Spam filters can reduce the number of phishing emails you receive.

Ensure your email's spam filter is activated and configured properly. If messages labeled [SPAM] are arriving in your inbox, setup filtering. If you're uncertain, contact fused & we can enable it.

Verify Suspicious Communications

If unsure about the legitimacy of a message, verify it. Contact the organization directly using information from their official website.

Update and Patch Regularly

Keeping software up to date can prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates for your operating system and applications.

Educate Yourself and Others

Awareness is key to recognizing phishing attempts. Stay informed about phishing techniques and educate your family and coworkers.

In Case of a Phishing Attack

Change Compromised Credentials

If you suspect your information has been compromised, act quickly. Change your passwords and notify relevant organizations.

Report Phishing Attempts

Report phishing to Fused — we can help reset passwords / credentials, and, ensure that any Fused hosted services are safe.


Understanding and recognizing phishing attempts are critical first steps in protecting yourself. Regularly updating your knowledge and staying cautious with your online interactions are key to avoiding these threats.